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SR RATCHNASHREE Master’s in Biotechnology | Infectious Disease | Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering – Genomics Research Enthusiast.

I am SR Ratchnashree, a passionate researcher in the field of biotechnology. With the focus on Infectious Disease along with molecular biology and genetic engineering, I possess a diverse skill set that enables me to explore complex biological questions and drive innovation.

Throughout my academic journey, I have developed expertise in various molecular biology techniques including DNA, RNA, Protein isolation and purification. I am well-versed in cloning and hybridization, primer designing and PCR techniques. Blotting techniques such as Southern, Northern, western blotting are also within my repertoire.

In the realm of genomics, I excel in database handling, retrieving data from PDB and uniport, and employing alignment algorithms for sequence analysis. My experience includes constructing cladogram and phylogenetic analysis, which provides invaluable insights into evolutionary relationships.

I am passionate about system biology and have delved into the modelling and simulations of biochemical network. Through this, I gain a deeper understanding of complex biological processes and their interconnectedness. Additionally, I possess computational modelling skills, particularly in drug designing, molecular docking and stimulation.

My proficiency in biostatistics allows me to leverage python programming language and Excel for data analysis. I firmly believe that data-driven insights are the key to unlocking new discoveries and driving evidence-based decision making.

I invite you to explore my portfolio where you will find details about my research projects, academic achievements and professional experience. Additionally, I aim to share valuable resource, articles and though-provoking content related to biotechnology.

I am always eager to connect with fellow researchers, scientists and professionals who share a common passion for biotechnology. If you are interested in collaboration on research endeavours, discussion industry trends, exploring potential opportunities, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to engaging with you in meaningful discussion that push the boundaries of biotechnology and contribute to its continued advancements.


Years Research Experience

Journal Article

SR Ratchnashree, Dr. M Masilamani Selvam. Antimicrobials in Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. Book chapter for Routledge, CRC Press/Taylor and. Francis Group (USA) under series on “Advances and Application in 2023.
SR Ratchnashree, Dr. M Masilamani, Dr. Barani. Cancer chemo and immunotherapies: present scenario and future perspectives. 2023 (Currently under Review)
SR Ratchnashree, S Ashwini, Dr. M Masilamani Selvam. Advanced Biomass Conversion Strategies. Book Chapter, Emerging Technologies and Advanced Techniques for Waste Treatment and Energy Production. (ISBN:978-93- 94174-07-8) DOI: https://doi.org/10.20546/EP/B-04-XX.
2022 SR Ratchnashree, Dr. M Masilamani Selvam, Sivasubramanian Manikandan, Ramasamy Subbaiya, Natchimuthu Karmegam, Muthusamy Govarthanan. A Critical Review of Advanced Technologies in the Determination of Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships and Degradation Efficiency in the Removal of Micropollutants in Water: Chemosphere Elsevier Publication. (Currently Under Publication).
SR Ratchnashree, S Ashwini, Dr. M Masilamani Selvam. Probiotics for Good Health published in Envis Article, Madras University. 2022
SR Ratchnashree, S Ashwini, Dr. M Masilamani Selvam. Advanced Biomass Conversion Strategies. Book Chapter, Emerging Technologies and Advanced Techniques for Waste Treatment and Energy Production. (ISBN:978-93-94174-07-8) DOI: https://doi.org/10.20546/EP/B-04-XX
Internships/ Research


IIT MADRAS–Department of Biotechnology

Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Bioscience Cloning and Purification of Plasmodium Falciparum Rifin Protein. A study to demonstrate and analyse how epigenetics have effect on gene expression and amino acid sequencing to transcribe protein. Study the Rifin protein evades host immunity through targeting inhibitory receptors. (Coding, Non-coding Sequence, Histone modification, Gene analysis)
IIT MADRAS–Department of Biotechnology

Advisor: Dr. Arumugam Rajavelu,

Assistant Professor, Molecular Epigenetics and Plasmodium Biology.

Jeppiaar Research and Development

– Center for Drug Discovery and Development Evaluation of Bioactive Metabolites from Streptomyces.

Advisor: Dr. M Radhakrishnan, Scientist E

Center for Drug Discovery and Development. IRA Consultancy and Research Organization.

Advisor: Dr. Abhay Jayprakash Gandhi,

Director, Professor of Gene Analysis and Bioinformatician and Cancer Biologist


2022 Present
Master of Science
CGPA: 9.8
Biotechnology, Dr. G R Damodaran College of Science
2019 – 2022
Bachelor of Science
CGPA: 9.41
Biotechnology, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology – First Class – Exemplary (Rank holder

Just my awesome skills

Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering:

Isolation and Purification of DNA, RNA and Protein. Cloning and Hybridization of the plasmid with gene of interest.

Blotting Techniques

Sothern, Northern and Western blotting.

System Biology

Modelling and simulation of biochemical networking, Creating and Visualization of network model


Data Analysis with Python Programming language, Excel.

Primer Designing

Forward and Reverse primer, Polymerized chain reaction and Microarray.


Database handing, Retrieving data from PDB, Uniprot, Alignment algorithm, Cladogram construction and Phylogenetic analysis.

Computational Modelling

Drug Designing and Molecular Docking and Stimulation


Specialization & Competencies

Domain: Infectious Disease, Genomics

TOPIC: Unveling the Impact of Drug Resistance on Heightened Susceptibility to Infection. International Conference on Recent Innovations in Health and Biological Science – 2023

TOPIC: Virtual Screening for Potential inhibitor main protease of SARS-CoV-2.
SR Ratchnashree1, Dr. Abhay J Gandhi, M Masilamani Selvam. MAHSA International Medical Technology Conference- 2023

MICROBIOLOGY SOCIETY INDIA – Best Student Award (2021-2022) NATURE SCIENCE FOUNDATION – Best College Student Award (2022-2023)

“Certifies Clinical Research Professional (CCRP) Practical and Theoretical in Clinical research, Clinical data management, Pharmacovigilance.

Bacterial Genome: “Disea se outbreak and Antimicrobial Resistance”
– Welcome Connecting Science
– Wellcome Sanger Institute

“Drug Discovery and Genome Editing using CRISPR Technique”

“Probiotics for Shrimp Culture” Sathyabama TBI grant 3.0. – Bagged a cash award.

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